Seasons greetings to you and your family and loved ones.
Wish you happiness, joy, riches and all the best of life this new year 2021.
Have you heard of the online platform called CHYMALL E-commerce?
If you have heard of it and you are thinking of joining, please read the alert below so that you will not lose your money to scammers. After reading also make sure to share with your friends and loved ones because lots of people are being scammed even as you are reading this.
Here is an important warning about the platform called *CHYMALL*:
It has been observed that scammers are now using the name CHYMALL to scam unsuspecting persons claiming that CHYMALL is an online investment that can double your money within minutes or hours, usually less than a day.
*Before you pay anyone money to join CHYMALL Please BE WARNED:*
>> The REAL CHYMALL does not double your money in minutes or hours
>> The REAL Chymall does not request for 10k to get 20k in 45mins and things like that
>> The REAL Chymall is an E-commerce business with a network marketing aspect.
>> In the REAL CHYMALL, you buy and the company sells for you.
>> There is no CHYMALL registration package that is less than #53,000. The only one that is less than that is not profitable and most people don’t join under it.
>> The REAL CHYMALL pays you 5% of your trading capital every 10days which amounts to 15% monthly
>> CHYMALL IS REAL but there are also lots of FAKE SCAMS.
*WARNING: Any chymall that says that you get your returns within few hours or minutes is FAKE. That’s the biggest sign of the Scam. The Real CHYMALL is not a Ponzi. In the real CHYMall you get 3 to 5% every 10 to 12 days. *
>> They usually operate through Facebook, Messenger, Whatsapp, Telegram and other social media
>> They will tell you that you will be paid double or more within 24 hours.
>>Please Do not let money doublers scam you.
>>Fraudsters are creating Facebook pages and WhatsApp groups and are using it to scam people. Be careful ooo.
>>They are using real Chymall videos and adverts to scam people.
>> They are using videos of Mr. IBU and other celebrities who were actually talking about the REAL Chymall.
>> You can get authentic information about the real chymall from or from the official CHYMALL website at chymall. net
Please help forward this info to all your loved ones, *all your contacts* and groups so that they will not fall for these scammers. Please share as wide as possible let’s beat the scammers and warn everyone.
Me, I’ve done my part. It’s now left for you to start sharing this message right now.
Wish you an AWESOME 2021 and may you never fall into the hands of scammers and fraudsters.